Thursday, May 24, 2007

Excel-erate Your Spreadsheets

I am so excited.

I know you can't tell - but I am doing the Happy Dance around my office (and it's not a pretty sight so it's a good thing I'm alone!).

While prepping course content to deliver a custom session on Microsoft Office Excel 2007, I came across the feature I think I like the most.


I am a visual person. I like to see what numbers are and compare them with a visual representation so charts and graphs and other graphics are excellent for me.

This feature allows us to very quickly see the difference using a tiny embedded chart displayed RIGHT IN THE CELL!!!!

Now when I have a value in a cell, I use the Data Bars feature from the Conditional Formatting Drop Down in the Styles Ribbon of the Home tab! (Wow-that's a breath!!!)

I love, love, LOVE this feature.

Give it a try and see what I mean!