Monday, February 5, 2007

Office 2007 – Early Adopter That’s ME

I cannot tell you enough times how happy I am to be involved with the review and creation of various Office 2007 courseware materials. I am really looking forward to the release of the Office 2007 courses and the new Office 2007 MOS exams!

As an early adopter of Office 2007, I have found myself falling more and more "in-like" with this product every day!

You know that as with all good changes, a few old stand-bys have to leave...that's the case with the new Office 2007. Yes, I love it! Yes, it's great to work with! Yes, there is a learning curve associated with using and implementing this product in the workplace! So - Don't Be Fooled!

Take some time to play before you really get into the swing with the Office 2007.

Why? well - it seems that Office 2007 is closely tied into SharePoint. (SharePoint is a fantastic tool free with Windows Server 2003 that allows you to collaborate more effectively with your teams) Some of the great features I really liked about Office 2003 like Reviewing and Tracking Changes, or the Compare and Merge features are gone within the program itself, but are alive and well if you are using SharePoint or SharePoint Portal.

The good thing is - in my organization, we use SharePoint - the bad thing is, some people who edit and review documentation for our organization don't use it - so we lose that nifty feature.

But you know - the good things far outweigh the bad...I love the new drawing features, the graphics are easier to work with and while the new "Ribbons" took a bit of getting used to, I am able to do everything I used to do only MUCH QUICKER and I find I'm much more effective in my communications as well.

Give it a try and see for yourself.

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