Monday, May 10, 2010

eLearning: Providing Learner Feedback

Real life situations in elearning can make some of the best learning opportunities, but the impact of that learning lies in the feedback.

There is real value in investigating the idea I've noted above. When dealing with learners in a WBT, CBT and elearning forum, feedback in a self-paced course can make or break a learners on-the-job application of the content. I'm in the midst of a very intensive Customer Service training program. The goal is to provide new Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) with the skills they need to be able to function as a first line support system for customers. There are many different modules included in this learning, each touching on a different software application required in the day-to-day operations of the Service Department. As well, there are modules which contain content necessary to be an effective communicator, telephone answerer, anger diffuser, and over-all customer mind reader.

One of the areas I've been struggling with (aside from the sheer volume of content) is the opportunity to challenge the learner in knowledge check, scenario based learning, chapter quizzes, and final assessments and choose appropriate feedback based on the choices or answers provided.

The Goal – Natural Feedback

I've found what works best for this particular course, is to provide feedback to my learner which is NATURAL. For me, the term "natural feedback" means: any feedback which would be given to me on the job given that same situation. This is not your candy coated "Great Job! You chose the correct answer" or "I'm sorry, that is not correct". By natural feedback I mean that is sounds as if someone is speaking to me naturally and providing me the opportunity to truly learn from my mistake. What was the business or even personal implication of the choice I just made? Telling me I got it right doesn't help me reflect on WHY it was right and telling me to try again doesn't help me understand the effect of the choice I just made.

Tips to Providing Great Natural Feedback

Here are a few tips to help you provide feedback to your learners:

  • Provide Effect of a decision or action (different than the outcome ) – The unhappy client tells 5 prospects about the service you just provided
  • Demonstrate Reactions – expand on the client frowning – why are they frowning, what exactly did they object to and WHY to make this more personal
  • Explain (or show) Physical/verbal and non-verbal responses – does the client's face go red? Does an employee overhearing the conversation cringe, does someone else point and laugh? These to the initial event can add depth and an air of reality to the situation
  • Discuss Results – The 5 prospects refuse to do business with your company and don't hesitate to tell the sales professional you are the reason
  • Define the Consequences – The Customer Service Department has to work harder to regain its reputation, the sales person loses the sale, the company loses the capital
  • Identify the Impacts – You lose your job, the company loses business and could potentially go bankrupt
  • Reflect on the outcomes or results of the choice – ask the tough questions for learners to self-evaluate: what would you have done better, what could you have done differently?
Feedback should not always be negative. Correct answers should recap the positive aspects of the answer and demonstrate why it was the best answer. Follow through with the positive impact of the correct choice for example, did you just get a bonus, a raise, or did you make it to the coveted corner office? These details add impact to the correct answer.

If you offer an answer that is "almost correct" or works but is not the "Best Answer", provide feedback on what worked and then what doesn't about the selected answer.

Feedback, when given, should provide valuable information to help the learner develop, but keep it real!

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