Monday, March 3, 2008

When is Writing Hardest For ME?

I've mentioned before how much I love to write.

Writing is a wonderful release for me, an escape from the everyday, ordinary plain old life I lead.

It gives me the freedom to express what my mind is thinking without too much fear of backlash. I sometimes use my writing as a sounding board, preparing my words for a tough situation or helping me develop ideas for a presentation or talk. Writing let's me be funny or serious, silly or factual, depending on the topic.

I find it pretty easy to write blog entries. If I could just get around the time constraints, I'm sure I would have many, MANY more entries to share, but there are only 24 hours in a day, and I like to find some time to be with my family, eat, sleep, play and yes, even work.

I don't have a problem writing about something:

  • I'm excited about
  • passionate about
  • looking forward to
  • waiting impatiently for
  • anxious over
  • I want to share with others

I do have a slight issue today. Of course I'm writing and I'm writing about something interesting to me…but it isn't what I'm supposed to be writing.

My boss popped by and asked me to write something for the next issue of our corporate newsletter. I was so excited – Hoooray! I get to write something for work, I get to write something meaningful that at least 2000 other people will read, and if I'm lucky be excited about, and I get paid for doing it…

Trouble is I can't seem to concentrate on what I'm supposed to be writing about. The topic is something near and dear to my heart – education in the workplace. And I get to write about the great technologies we are working with and what e-Learning is as well as how it will affect the workforce and what great topics we'll offer as training modules.

For me, it seems, writing is the hardest when I'm given a topic and asked to write about it rather than have a topic in my noggin begging to be let lose…

I do believe that all this writing today has given me a brainwave for the article so I can meet my Wednesday deadline.

Solution??? Pretend it's a blog entry.

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