Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here a Blog, There a Blog

I’ve been blogging for a number of years now, on various topics, for various reasons. I’ve used a number of different blog-ware and I have to admit that while I’ve been very happily using Microsoft Office Word 2007 since the Beta release, the one feature I didn’t use until just last week was the Blog feature.
When I instructed the Micro Applications Computer Business Applications (MACBA) certificate course at Conestoga College, the one thing I added to the introduction to technology and Internet sections was the ability to learn how to blog. We talked about what blogs were, how blogs have helped and hindered people and how businesses can use blogs to support and grow their customer base. Then all the students in my class started to blog. I had them blog every day even if there wasn't anything for them to say. (some loved it, others - not so much, but it's ok. It was a new experience and they all jumped right in!)
Last fall was the first inception of the new Office 2007 into our curriculum and I was very excited to be able to show the fantastic tools Office now allows. One feature I didn’t have enough time to discuss was the ability to use Microsoft Office Word 2007 to create blog entries with the Blog template and to have the entry uploaded automatically to the blog of your choosing!
Imagine how pleased I was that when I tried this feature, not only did I save myself time (I usually type my entries in Word and then paste them into Blogger), but everything was so easy! I didn’t even have to log in to Blogger to do any copy and paste.
So I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what I can write about (since I type 102 words a minute) to fill a couple hours of my day – I figured why not write about something that really made me happy, saved me time and allows me the ease of use of tools I am already familiar with.
So how does it work?
I created a “blog” entry using the Blog template. The first time I accessed this template, I was prompted to fill in some details about my blog location, user name and password. I’m A-OK with putting that information into my system so I have no second thoughts about the security.
Once I entered in my details, I typed up my entry, choose Publish from the Blog Post Tab, Blog ribbon and I got a funky little information bar that told me the item had been posted to my blog and listed the time and date as well!
In just a few minutes I had my entry done, proofed and posted – and it only took the click of a button! I’m so glad this is so easy to use, yet one more reason I LOVE Microsoft Office 2007!!! Why doesn’t everyone just go out and get a copy?
If you are a student, and you have a valid email address to your institution such as your college or university, you can actually purchase Office 2007 Ultimate edition (which kicks major butt if I do say so myself!!!) for less then $100 Canadian. Check it out at This link takes you to a site that lets you, as a student, purchase the ULTIMATE –that means EVERYTHING in the Office suite including GROOVE – I SOOOO want to use Groove in a corporate environment! Check it out – you won’t be disappointed!

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