Friday, February 8, 2008

Study Groups Do Work!

I know that I wrote about the WWITPRO study groups previously, but I wanted to let you know that getting together, getting focused and sharing with others really can work to help successfully pass Microsoft certification exams.

I heard from Steve P., one of the participants of the MCDST study group that not only did he pass the first 70-271 exam last fall after the study group finished, but he also just passed the 70-272 exam.

Here is an excerpt from his email:

"A little preparation which included the excellent study group experience and all members of the group can do it. (pass)"

Steve also asked that I pass along a link to some excellent preparation materials from the Microsoft website.

He suggests taking the FREE Clinic 2263: Exam Preparation for the MCDST Certification and highly recommends the second shot offer that allows you some insurance just in case you don't successfully pass the first time.

Congratulations Steve! You are now a MCDST! I'm glad you participated and look forward to hearing how everyone else made out!

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