Thursday, January 10, 2008

Just Because....

I was a trainer - doesn't mean I am an Instructional Designer. I have flaws, and this is one of them.

Over the last 12 years I've been instructing for major companies, government agencies, and retraining people who have been injured and need to be placed in new jobs.

In the not too distant past I created course curriculum for my clients and provided instruction on that material. When I didn't have time or the expertise I purchased manuals from one of two suppliers...and the materials happened to be the same manuals used by the local college for their one-day professional development workshops.

I expect I have a lot to learn about the psychology and science behind learning in order to make me the best I can be at my job.

It's time to buckle down - and now that I've admitted I lack some skills I feel may be required to do my new job, I'm off to upgrade and better myself!


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