Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tough Decisions

It's not often we are faced with really tough decisions, although many of us like to think that we do it on a daily basis.

I've had to face some really REALLY tough decisions the last two months.

The hardest decision I ever made was the decision to give up a private business I've worked hard at and been successful with for 7 years, to return to the corporate world.

The next hardest decision - seriously, has been the decision I made to step down as President of the Waterloo-Wellington IT Professionals user group.

And the last really hard decision I've made lately is one to move out of the region I've lived all my life and move to the GTA.

Many of you know that my spouse was recently disagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and it's been a tough year for us, and with all the medical appointments and other things, sometimes we have to put our loved ones first - and for a change, I put my family before my love of my IT community.

Giving my notice to the executive members of WWITPRO was a tear jerking moment for me.

But - while I say it was the hardest decision, it really was hard, it was easy just too because I know I will always choose to put my family first....I just didn't want to feel forced to actually DO the resigning.

I am certain that WWITPRO will continue to thrive in our very high-tech community. And I wish much success to the incoming President, Peter Piluk.

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